They wobble. When they giggle, there is magic. But, there is also the ride you may go on from time to time as they begin to define who they are. They have opinions. They have feelings. They find their own voice.
Following are few interesting things I noticed about my little angel. I guess this is the case with each toddler:
1) Never give up- Look at the babies, how many times they fall and get hurt while they try to walk, but do they ever give up? No, rather they make each failure as the stepping into their ultimate aim- walking and running.
Following are few interesting things I noticed about my little angel. I guess this is the case with each toddler:
1) Never give up- Look at the babies, how many times they fall and get hurt while they try to walk, but do they ever give up? No, rather they make each failure as the stepping into their ultimate aim- walking and running.