
Monday, March 24, 2014

LOL Moments : How does an elevator work?

Mum: "Look at your plants Liya. They are drying up because you don't water them. And see mine, they are growing fast because I water them everyday."
Liya: (Glancing at the dough that was getting kneaded) "Why do you add water to the flour?"
Mum: "So that it's wet and makes good dough to roll in. "
Liya: "But, that doesn't grow even if we water it, right?"

## Convincing mum that things not always grow with watering. ##

Girl and Mum in the elevator.

Girl: "Mama, Do you know how does a lift work?"
Mum: "Oh, no! Teach me if you know."
Girl: "Hmmm.. You know there is a wide black band beneath the lift, which is closed when it is off. When you press a number to go up/down, the band opens wide but slowly. There are numbers written on the band, if you press 4, the band stops slowly at 4 and the doors get open."

Mum: "Amazing, who taught you this?"
Girl: "No one, you know I am a THINKER girl. I found it by thinking."

## A THINKER tag - I could not stop laughing at that.  I have a little Einstein in making! ##


Girl: "Mama, did you miss your mother when we were living in the US?"
Mum: "Yes, why?"
Girl: "I just wanted to see if you have such feelings..:) "
Mum: "what?"
Girl: "Because, I miss you a lot when I am in the school."

## The last line is indeed mummy buttering. ##


Girl: "Mama, when I was born did they take me to Pulikkal house (paternal home) first? "
Mum: "No, from the hospital we went straight to mum's parent's place ."
Girl: "I see! What did grandpa say when he saw me for the first time...?"

## How to test Mum's memory? Little ones are experts in this.  ##

Linking with 

Wot So Funee?


  1. lol you have to love kids and those endless questions

    1. True. Parenting is not for those who doesn't like repetitive and never ending questions. :)

  2. Hihi I love this kide conversations. Your girl is so clever

    1. I think kids in this century are cleverer than ever before.. :) I love kiddie conversations too.

  3. Cute and clever...laughing is vital to a great mother/daughter relationship.

    1. Thats a point Salma. Laugher overpowers everything else in mom-daughter coterie. You're much experienced in that than me.

  4. The innocence of youth is wonderful, I have less and less moments like this as mine grow older.

    1. Know what Fiona, that makes me sad. As they grow older, they tend to be more serious and reserved. Childhood is fun. :)

  5. lol lol i love this age range they are so comical and dont even know it!!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

    1. Yes, toddlerhood and pre-schooling - I love it. However, I dread that time passes by at the blink of eye.

      Thanks for the linky Jaime. It was pleasure reading magical moments from many.

      P.S: I am pleased to hear that you're feeling better after surgery.

  6. Haha this is hilarious. I love it. You really do have an Einstein in the making there. What a great thinker!! Thanks for sharing. #wotssofunee

    1. Thanks Jenny. I loved reading through many. Have a great day!

  7. the last conversation melts my heart! So sweet!

    1. Little ones are masters in melting hearts, aren't they?


  8. so cute, and definitely a genius with the lift conversation! #wotsofunee

  9. so cute, and definitely a genius with the lift conversation! #wotsofunee

  10. So cute. Lots of questions, definitely sent to test you. #wotsofunee

    1. Testing mummy is what preschoolers are skilled at. :)

  11. I imagine you laugh a lot with such a sweet and funny little girl...Kids have fabulous ideas!!
    Stay well Nishana. xo

    1. I think I laugh way too much with this little girl. I am sure that's the case with all mums who parent toddlers and preschoolers.

      You both too, Marie. :)

  12. Bless her she sounds so sweet. I wonder if her theory on elevators is correct!?

    1. The theory is definitely wrong. But I liked how much thoughts she has put in to bring up the theory. :)

  13. Aren't kids funny! I love how much thought she's put into the elevators



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