A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...
Showing posts with label Bangalore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bangalore. Show all posts

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Safety measures to consider before you narrow down on a private school

If you're from India, you must be aware of the recent sexual assault of a 6 year old in an international school in Bangalore. As a parent who has trusted her precious with a school, I was totally dismayed to learn this news and wrote to the school even though they had sent a text assuring that they have all possible security measures in place. 

Few things I inquired are from the list below.  Probably, you can do the same if you are sending or planning to send a child in any school in the country. The school responded appreciably to my queries. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Are our kids safe inside schools?

No, not anymore. For past few days, what you see below is the talk of the town.

Courtesy: Deccan Chronicle

Monday, May 19, 2014

Project 365: Week 20

Day 131: Mum's day shot from our balcony. A stray dog breastfeeding its 4-5 puppies together. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

10 Things: My current city!

10 things I like about my current city - Bangalore!

The first city where I went job hunting right after graduation, 9 years ago.
My IT career started here.
This is where I met J (my hubby-to-be then) for the first time.
This is where we dined together for the first time.
For it taught me that Hindi is a must to survive in most part of India.
(Yet, I continue to be weak in conversing in Hindi)
The first metro I roamed around and explored alone.
For loads of pals and acquaintances I have here
For being so close to my homeland -
(hop on a night train, be home early in the morning!)
The greenery
The lovely weather which you don't find in any other metros of India!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Project 365 :: Week 19

Day 124: At Bangalore commercials, girl is eagerly searching for a henna cone.  

Friday, May 9, 2014

Driving from Bangalore to Ooty - 04/04/2014

Often, I find my life locked in front of screens...
A WAH mom definitely has loads of benefits and privileges, however, mostly your world is gonna shrink within few walls, family and digital world, from the day you begin Working-from-Home (compared to working from office). We definitely needed a break. We chose Ooty, a hill station, which is on our way back home. We have been planning for home since it's summer holidays for Liya. 
Ooty is definitely the closest place if you just want to relax and have fun. 

Early in the morning ....

Homemade breakfast on the way! Malabar Pathiri and kadai chicken.
By the way, did you know how easy it's to wake a preschooler up early in the morning when (s)he already knows that you're all set on a trip. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Art exhibition!

 Liya's school held an art exhibition to display all the art work done by little ones through the academic year. Sharing some moments from the show.
Loved them all especially the glass painting....

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

At Botanical Garden with grandparents!

P.S: All flowers in the collage are shot by little girl..:) 

Linking with Mosaic Monday!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A littered Country and learning from my daughter!

The other day Liya and I were on our way back to home from school. She usually keeps talking throughout the drive. Unlike usual, she sounded very serious this time. This is how the conversation went.

L - "Momma! Today, Ma'm showed me a video of a country which is fully littered."
M - "Fully littered?"
L - "Yes, Fully littered by the people of that country. They throw plastics carelessly and the country has become very stinky and dirty. It's no more clean and safe."

She continued - "Do you know Momma, which country is that?"
M - "Hmm.. No, tell me please!"
L - "It's our own country- this country-  India! "

When she said this, I could feel the shadow of sadness in her voice.

Photo - bangalore.citizenmatters.in

Thursday, December 5, 2013

At Mysore Zoo

Mysore is one of the popular tourist locations in India, known for its rich heritage and historical importance.

Exploring the zoo

Monday, September 23, 2013

GoodBye Hyderabad, Good Morning Bangalore!

At last the much awaited day is right here. One of those busy days, packing, cleaning, loading, standing  and running a lot! But it was worth it. Liya loved the whole thing end to end.

All set to go!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yet Another....

It's been a long gap.. I really can't believe that nearly an year has passed by, without being blogged about Liya's life. So much has happened in L's life, yet I haven't found some time to record those memorable events. Poor Mom!

Technically, life in India was suppose to be much easier for me in many ways. Unlike in the US, I had a maid to do household chores and a cook who takes care of cooking lunch and dinner. However, practically, it was the opposite. Ever since I enrolled into a work integrated MS degree, I have been drowning in the flood of work, books, assignments, lectures, exams and most importantly handling my little girl in the midst of all these... I hope I will be able to get back to blogging shortly. In sha Allah!