A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[Tour with PL] At Central Park ~ NYC

We were all tired... and headed to Central Park. We spent some time there and had our lunch too. Stay tuned, we will take you to American Museum of Natural History. Till then, please enjoy my pics from Central Park lunching session. :)

Read older parts of the series here.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

[Tour with PL] River cruising

06/27/2011 11.00 AM
Next day morning, first thing in our list was a cruise through New York harbor. A river cruise is always a perfect combo of any hectic trip. That can give you enough time to sit on a deck, relax and enjoy the beauty of the serene landscapes or  fairytale castles or glittering skyline while the tickling of cold breeze blows across your face!
 We opted for 2 hours trip.That was definitely the most tranquil part of the our tour.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

[Tour with PL] NYC Night Tour

How about that idea? A city tour under moonlight- that was included in our sightseeing package. Yes, 6.30 pm is not 'night' in New York, especially in June when sun sets by 9.30. It was an awesome trip, the sun was setting down in the horizon as we were crossing Hudson river. NYC sky in the twilight is truly mind-blowing. Sitting in an open bus under twilight, watching the sun slipping through the horizon is surreal.
Everyone was busy capturing the red horizon over Hudson river, with Brooklyn bridge in the background, the camera flashes did distract the beauty.

There was a big CROWD at Times Square.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

[Tour with PL] ~ NYC trip: Moving on to WTC

Hmmm, we're damn hungry. I had packed our lunch from home, the typical Hyderabadi Chicken Thahari. We ate it in this park and Liya spent some time with the pigeons and squirrels slithering over there.
Next, we are heading to World Trade Center. The skyscraper, which stood as the world's tallest building, at the time of its completion, well known for anyone across the globe after the September 11 attacks. The site is currently being rebuilt with six new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the attacks.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

[Tour with PL] ~ Standing at ESB

I apologize for super delays in sharing our travel stories. You know how difficult it is to take time out for blogging when a toddler is around and especially when she has already started feeling that Mamma loves laptop more than her. :D
Okey, I was saying that we headed to Empire State Building. I guess, ESB again doesn't need a formal introduction. But for those who don't know much about it, let me share a glint on it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

At NYC : Part 1

Pappa and girl in the shuttle
We took an early morning flight to JFK . Liya was little cranky as she was waken up too early and was given a shower. But she was all happy and thrilled as she was dressed up. We parked our car in the airport parking lot. It is around 1 mile away from airport. They offer free shuttle service to airport, so commuting was quite comfortable.
We landed JFK airport by 8.30 am. Liya was all peaceful and enjoyed her 'flight'. She killed her time by browsing through the TV screen in front of her; at times she watched cartoons as well. She conveyed 'Hi, bye, see you etc' to the passengers, entertained few of them with naughty deeds.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

[Tour with PL] Tour de New York City ~ Before we started off

As  you already know, we got back from an awesome, unforgettable trip to NYC and DC.
   "A traveler without observation is a bird without wings"- [Moslih Eddin Saadi] 
Therefore, we will be glad to share with you on 'every bit' of our trip in coming posts. Read through and enjoy a 'virtual tour' through NYC.

About NYC: I am sure there needs no introduction about New York city. People around the globe must have heard of this enormous city at least once in their lifetime. The most populous city in USA, which lies at the mouth of the Hudson River.