A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...
Showing posts with label islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label islam. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Looking pretty, huh?

* Girl and Dad reading a book on rocks. * 
Girl: What's Gold, Papa?  
Mum intervenes: You are probably the first child from Malabar (North Kerala) to ask such a question ever. 

<< Malabar is known for its high volume gold consumption, especially within the Muslim community. If you walk into a typical Malabar wedding you are guaranteed to see the bride immersed in kgs of gold ornaments. 

I named Muslims here, because I am a Muslima from Malabar, totally frustrated at how this habit has rooted in my society while Islam never encourages it. Most of them know it, however, end of the day what matters to many is status/prestige/show off. Isn't that ironical*Not forgetting that there are exemptions, I just said the predominant side of the story.*  >>

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ramadan Kareem

We wish you all a blessed Ramadan. The busiest month with 17 hours of fasting, long night prayers, less sleeping hours... Rolling up our sleeves and all set to welcome the blessed month!

Ramadan Mubarak to all!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

We're watching...

...and learning about our faith..:)

Dear friends,
Liya wishes you a blessed rest of the week.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Toddler Talk :: Where is Liya?

Since long, J had set our wedding time photo as his personal laptop wall paper. It's been such a long and we were never tied of looking at that. I am very thin there...*sigh*... and in a saree! Liya never identified myself as 'Momma' but she did recognize Pappa. So I had to teach her to identify me...lolz!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Bucket List Update!

Welcome to an unusually late Bucket List Update.

The Days in a Week
Now we know all the days in a week. And we love Monday and Thursday most. Because Liya loves going to daycare and being with her cute little friends. Liya loves singing below rhyme and that's how she learned about different days in a week.

Learn at least one Surah from Quran

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


You might be having different opinions...
I just don't question you!
I respect your thoughts....
But let me make it clear
Below is my concept on LOVE
and LOVE DAY! 

Stolen from a friend's blog- www.feelislam.com
According to ISLAM real love must start after WEDDING and wedding doesn't remark the end of love (that's how many people perceive wedding). Love is at the best when it's shared among the couples.. It's a precious feeling and a mercy poured from Almighty Allah.

Celebrate real love and treat that special someone.  Look for online coupons for flowers, gifts, or perhaps even a trip together.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Another Award..

Thank You Karima for sending me your love as Extreme Muslima award. I am a regular reader of Karima's craft blog and I love it - very informative and 'crafty' too.

As far as I understand this award doesn't come with a huge list of rules..*sigh*.. Well, an award need not be attached to rules always, it is just a way to show your love to a fellow blogger, isn't it?
This award encourages to pass onto few amazing Muslima bloggers and I take this opportunity to introduce few of them, to you (in no specific order).

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Eid Mubarak!

Little Liya wishes,  you all a wonderful and blessed Eid!

What's Eid-ul-fitr?
[Continue Reading]

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Half way through Ramadan

How fast days are flying by! We have already finished 15 days of fasting, that means half part of the blessed month has gone behind the curtains. 
* I am not denying the fact that the first few days of fasting were tougher. Nursing, work and longer hours of fasting was kinda of exhausting. Every evening I suffered from bad headache, as well. But Allah, the Merciful has showered his blessings in the form of RAIN.
 It's been raining heavily here for last few days, I no longer feel tired. Alhamdulillah *Thank God*. In fact, I don't even feel that I am not eating or drinking.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday :: In spiritual way!

She imitates everything Mamma does...
...now all set for Salah (Namaz- the compulsory prayers everyday)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadan Updates

This is my second Ramadan with little Liya, but first one in USA. Her first ever Ramadan was in Hyderabad, India.
As per the tradition of Indian muslims, we clean up entire house and household items on the previous day of Ramadan, some people do it on 15th day of Shabaan (the month before Ramadan). You might be  wondering what's the relation between house cleaning and fasting. But I personally feel that it is a simple and beautiful way to welcome Holy month to our home, minds and life. It also indicates the need of cleaning our inner minds along with the surroundings.
Pathiri (thin rice pan cakes) before thawing

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Learning Lingo ~ Months in Arabic

As you must be knowing, the Holy month of Ramadan is here, starting from tomorrow. We are getting ready to purify our minds from sins and to fast through the day for the sake of Almighty Allah. Do you know what is Ramadan..? It is the nine-th month of Arabic calendar in which Quran was revealed for the guidence of mankind. Click here to know bit more about Ramadan.
source- google

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pediatric Visits

Pediatric Visit

Last weekend, we took Liya to her pediatrician here for a routine check up and vaccinations. This is her second pediatric visit in USA. The older one was during 15th month for vaccinations. Here is a glance at my experiences with Doc visits in India and USA.

Disclaimer:  These are mere perceptions/observations of a mother from two different countries; NOT an analysis on which is 'right or wrong' or 'good or bad' or 'like or dislike' approach in childcare.

Monday, March 7, 2011

With Liya, at religious classes..

Almost all Sundays we attend religious classes at ISNF(Masjid-Noor), here in Buffalo. Back in Kerala I have seen many people hesitated to take infants to Masjids/religious gatherings because of the 'mess' they would create in such places - hmmm, it is very true that these little champs will not always 'enjoy' the speeches and advices delivered over a 'mike and speaker'...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Liya hits one!

As per Islamic teaching, we do not celebrate birthdays. Birth days are considered same as any other day. So we did not celebrate her birth day in any means.

Below are few pics captured during her 12th month.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Story of an Iftar party and late night drive..

My parents say, I'm growing naughty day by day. I believe I have to ... :) After all I'm growing up and so I'm exploring, learning and experimenting with everything around me.

Ok let me come to the point. I'm here to talk you about the first Iftar party (breaking fast during ramdan) I ever attended in my life time. It was at my dad's friend, Thaha uncle's place on the 3rd day of this Ramdan. His house is almost 25 Kms away from my place which is called Madinaguda.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Liya's first Ramdan, even though she doesn't fast.. :)

Ramdan, the holy month has started few days back.

"Ramdan is the 9th month of Islamic Calender (Hijra Calender), and is the month in which the first verses of the Holy Qur'an were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is the month of fasting, in which muslims round the globe refrain from eating and drinking from dawn until sunset. Fasting is intended to teach Muslims about patience, humility, and spirituality. Muslims offer more prayer than usual, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, ask forgiveness for past sins, increase charity etc."

Friday, December 11, 2009

The hair removal - day 7

As I mentioned earlier, I was taken to my maternal house for hair removal from NICU. It was a big function, where relatives from my dad's and mom's side were present. As per Islamic teachings, it is Sunnah(deeds or words of Prophet Mohammad which are good if we do, not a sin if we don't) to perform hair removal on 7th day. It can be done on any other day, but 7th day is highly preferred. Baby's parents name the baby and perform Aqeeqa on the same day.Aqeeqa means sacrificing a cattle in thanks to God and distributing it among the poor in the area, including them in our happiness. My dad performed Aqueeqa, and he says it was first time he put knife on a live buffalo..:) Aqueeqa was performed early in the morning, by 7.00 am. I was in NICU that time. My parents got me to home by 11 am. The barber lady who used to shave hair of all children in our family was already present. My paternal grandma held me on her lap and the lady removed my hair. I didn't cry or try to move. I was listening to what's happening on my head.

Most of the relatives were seeing me for first time. As usual I was busy in sleeping. They gifted me with dress, gold, other baby items etc. My parents selected my first name SWABA, which means Breeze. It was after a month they finalized my second name that is Liyan which means Soft. The name has an Arabic origin.

By 3.00 Pm I was taken back to hospital. I was given my first vaccination on the day - Hepatitis, Hib, DTP and BCG.