A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...
Showing posts with label monthly update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monthly update. Show all posts

Friday, April 11, 2014

4.5 years!

One little woman
Hitting 4.5
Growing at the blink of an eye
Too many whys
Endless questions
Small lies, at times
Likes and Dislikes
Stage fright 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

3 years:: Where does she stand?

On 11th Oct 2012, Liya completed 3 years on planet earth. Needless to say, it's been an awesome journey, parenting a little girl, by learning, unlearning and re-learning, everyday. Thank God for each and every moment!! And today, we complete 5 years of our married life!! How awesome is that! Thank God!

It's been such a long since my last Liya update. So much had happened since then. Given the fact that pre schoolers learn quickly, last few months have been rapid 'development' time for her too.


She has always been crazy fan of drawing and coloring and the same goes on. Now, she can color almost neatly and inside the picture. She draws many pictures and all coming from her imagination.

Dated august 2012 

3 Years :: Pics

Lumbini Park, Hyderabad

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Much to Do Before 3 + 2.5 years update

Note: This is the Bucket list Update for March. This was in my drafts and today only noticed that I didn't publish it yet. So silly of me.

Welcome to another 'Bucket List' update. Sadly we don't have anything specific to cross in our TO DO list. But spring is almost (it's playing hide and seek...) here and Insha Allah we hope to cross a few items by April end.

As I haven't given you a 30 months update (yay we're already 2 and half), let's see what Liya is up to. Nothing new has happened since last month, like any other kid she is learning and exploring the world the world around.

* She has mastered the art of using scissors. She can crop paper, polythene etc easily. And the consequence is that our house is growing more and more messy everyday. She loves to remove tags from cloths, open the grocery polythene etc using scissor. By the way she made ice cream with scissors. Look at the picture..:)
The right side curves are not cropped by her, that was the part of the paper itself. She just made the scoop. I was so happy to see that she made it this way.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Bucket List Update!

Welcome to an unusually late Bucket List Update.

The Days in a Week
Now we know all the days in a week. And we love Monday and Thursday most. Because Liya loves going to daycare and being with her cute little friends. Liya loves singing below rhyme and that's how she learned about different days in a week.

Learn at least one Surah from Quran

Thursday, March 1, 2012

28 Splendid Months...

...Masha Allah!

Let me give you an update on her 'specific behaviors'!

 Determination: I am often amazed at her level of determination. If she decides something to/not to do, nothing in this world can change her mind. Even if I offer a chocolate or ice cream she would just refuse it because she doesn't want to change the 'particular' decision she has already made, merely for an ice cream or chocolate.

Adamant: Don't confuse with 1. She is adamant for weird things. For example, one day she mentioned it 'RED' instead of 'BLUE'. I tried my best to correct her and she already knew that she was wrong. She simply wanted to challenge me and repeated "No, No.. It's RED RED."

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Updates - 27 Months

I am here to give you a quick review of last month. Days are passing by and honestly I began wishing if her 'toddler age' goes a little longer.. :P. Sadly, time and tide wait for none.

English Skills:

MashaAllah, she is mastering English much faster and can now talk as good as she speaks Malayalam. Over last month,

Monday, October 17, 2011

2 year- What am I upto?

Hi There,

As you already know, I am a big girl- 2 years old. So, what am I up to these days?

Schooling- I enjoy my school time. I love going there. My momma found out the secret behind my (pseudo) whining. She found that only if pappa drops me at school I behave weird, but if she drops me, I stay all calm and  cool. I even give her bye bye, kiss and walk into the class room. So these days, mamma drops me to school and things are going well. Mommas find out every bit of our tricks... huh?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Finally The Terrible Two!

Sweet little Liya,

Sounds like it was just yesterday I went for my first ultrasound scan and curiously looked at the screen as doctor showed me the budding organs of a flesh piece growing inside me. I innocently gazed at the continuous movements happening inside and it was such an unforgettable day for me.

Monday, August 15, 2011

♫ 22 months ♫

 Alhamdulillah *Thank God*, my little love has come a long way, from the sleeping pill of first day to all spark and spunk little explorer of 22 months old *1 year 10 months and 4 days, precisely*. Isn't that a moment of pride as a mom and a reminder to be grateful to Almighty? In another 2 months she will turn 2 years, Insha Allah!
What's she up to these days?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

♫ 20 months ♫

Liya is celebrating her 20th month on the face of the earth. Well, let's see what is she up to these days.

She is able to form complete sentences. We do speak Malayalam at home. But as you know she's been exposed to the world of books, and she has non-Malayalam speaking friends around that she is picking up English faster. [I do teach her too].

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yay, 1.5 years..!!

So, it indicates a transition too! Charming munchkin is no more a baby, left her babyhood (as experts say, I have least idea though) and a full-time toddler now. She no more behaves like a baby nowadays, rather she is more versatile and ready to deal with household chores too. Here comes a glimpse of my sugar-cube's most recent, amusing activities:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Updates- 16 months

It's been 16 months since our little girl became a part of us. Now I find it harder to recall how did we live the days before she was born. She makes my day eventful, giving me no free time. She is growing up really fast, picking up words and trying to make sentences out of it. Those sentences turn out to be really funny that only she knows what she actually meant. Below are her recent activities:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Updates: 14 months

Liya is on her 14 th month now. I guess, after 1 till 3 is the most crucial time in one baby's and her/his parent's life. Its amazing to watch a toddler, but equally dangerous if your eyes fall away from them for a while. They are really quick, faster that light sometimes..:)

As I work remotely nowadays, I get enough time to watch Liya- the way she learns, explores, decides and implement her actions. Seems like she has grown up all of sudden.

Below are few interesting things I noticed in this month.

1) She is trying to be as independent as she can! She eats almost everything with her hand, and doesn't much like if I give anything on her mouth. She tries to wear her dress, diapers etc alone but she is yet to learn that.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Liya hits one!

As per Islamic teaching, we do not celebrate birthdays. Birth days are considered same as any other day. So we did not celebrate her birth day in any means.

Below are few pics captured during her 12th month.

Liya @ one

Sweet little Liya,

Today you completed ONE year in this world; an year which just passed like a day. We never knew that one year is such a short period until you came to our life with tons of love and naughtiness... and life has not been the same since. You filled our life with new joy and we miss you the moments we are away from you or even the moments you fall asleep. We thanked Almighty Allah for showering His abundant blessing upon us, in the form of you too. We shall be thankful to him throughout our life.

We still remember seeing your face for the first time, you were such an adorable, active, smart doll..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Liya completes 10 months on planet earth!

She turned 10 months last week and following are her latest activities.

1) She understands everything you tell her. If you refer to her naughty activities while talking to a third person she cries or shows her dislike.

2) She stands without holding for long time, but afraid to put her feet forward.

3) She understands Urdu as much as she understands Malayalam.

4) She picks up gestures faster than words.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Liya @ 8-9 months

She changed drastically over these days, from the peaceful kidu to a naughty little girl.

- She learned to wave bye by 8 months of her birth
- She blows kiss
- Her first two teeth are out, and the third one is on its way.
- She is able to walk by holding onto something and she loves walking by holding our hands.
- She is able to stand holding onto anything with one hand and keeps second hand free.
- Trying to stand without support, and falling down..:)
- Babbling, trying to speak out for everything she sees around her.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Liya completed 7 months..

..on 11th of this month. I can't imagine how fast the days flew by. Of course it was an amazing experience looking after her, seeing how she is growing up and learning new things every day.

By now,

- She understands that her mom wearing a scarf means that 'Mom is going out' , so be demanding. It is applicable for any one whom she loves.
- She speaks pappa, thaatha, kakka, vavva
- She knows taste very well, also conveys that 'I don't want anything which is NOT sweet'
- She closes her mouth strongly when she is given mashed rice
- DO NOT try to feed her rice even by adding sweet. She understand the smell and taste of rice.
- She loves steamed apple so much that she opens her mouth really quick if anyone approaches her with apple.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weaning Day

9th April 2010, the first 'remarkable' step towards Liya's independence- weaning. She was completely on breast milk for last 6 months. She was NOT even given few droplet f any other solids/water/juice, till now. Even though I had lot of pressure from family and people around me, I was stern about my decision.

I decided to start her with solids and prepared Kanji (brown broken rice prepared and served along with water). I had powdered the rice and prepared the food. She was given it in thinner form of it, thats too only 2 spoons. She ate it with no refusal, did not spit it either.

Good start and well done my girl! Long way to go, fighting over food..:)