A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weaning Day

9th April 2010, the first 'remarkable' step towards Liya's independence- weaning. She was completely on breast milk for last 6 months. She was NOT even given few droplet f any other solids/water/juice, till now. Even though I had lot of pressure from family and people around me, I was stern about my decision.

I decided to start her with solids and prepared Kanji (brown broken rice prepared and served along with water). I had powdered the rice and prepared the food. She was given it in thinner form of it, thats too only 2 spoons. She ate it with no refusal, did not spit it either.

Good start and well done my girl! Long way to go, fighting over food..:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Soaring in the sky..

8th April 2010.. I should tell you about that day. My first ever 'flight' and that was pretty long travel from Hyd o Calicut, via Chennai and Bangalore. In four hours I touched 4 states and 4 cities of my country. Isn't it a great day to remember?

Myself with my mom started the journey from Hyd early in the morning. The flight to Channai was at 6.15 and we left our home by 4.30 am. First time ever in my life I had a early morning(or midnight) bath at 3.30 am. I was quiet active and happy, as I smelled that we are going out..:)

I was dressed in my travel suit and my mom was lil worried as she didn't know how to handle me while take off and landing and she was alone too. The flight was on time, and we boarded on time. The flight was too small which could accommodate only 60-70 passengers.

Photo: "Hi, I am all set to fly"

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Liya helping out her mom with work..

Video: 5 month old Liya with laptop
See how happy and excited she is with the new toy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A night at Bangalore!

Well, I hope you have already read my mom's writing about our trip till Bangalore. We reached Fazal uncle's house in the evening. The climate was too good there. I should say it was really cold and such an awesome climate was something really new to me. 

                                         With Nehan

Feroz uncle's son Nehan and daughter Aysha (4 months older than me) were there. Nehan stayed with me for long time, he tried to make me smile, he brought all his toys near me and played for me.. he was so happy to have me there. I was happy too. At night he cried saying 'i will sleep near baby..'.:) So sweet of him!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Calicut -->> Bangalore

Liya was 3 months and 4 days old, when we decided to travel back to Hyderabad, where both myself and her dad live and work. I had already got back to work after my maternity leave. We decided to drive down to Hyderabad, from Kerala. Of course it was a tough decision as the road distance was almost 1000 Kms. We believed that we can take frequent breaks while traveling and which would make her more comfortable.

We started our journey early morning 6.00 am on 16th Jan '10. She was quite sleepy, but I managed to get her bathed and dressed in her traveling suit. I wonder how happy and excited she should have been if she was able to understand that she was to start a long journey, crossing 2 states. She is too young to watch and enjoy the mind-blowing sceneries, three states of the country she was traveling through in 2 days, and the change in language, culture, habits, food...

She had nothing to worry about..nothing to watch or enjoy other than sleeping and having her tiny tommy full of milk whenever hungry..