A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Yearned possession...

Did you know? At times an unheralded gift- a miniature replica of anything which a child is fond of can make him/her ecstatically happy to turn senseless for few moments OR feel like floating in cloud9? I know yes since when Liya came back home from Mansoor's (J's friend) apartment with a packet in her right hand. It was a sweet gift from J's friend M as he was leaving back to India. Her big eyes were gleaming with pride and was ineffably restless to exhibit the enclosure.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

☺ Clicked a photograph☺

Liya's first ever click!
Today, I clicked a photograph. I swear, mamma or pappa didn't help me. In fact, they did not even know that I had grabbed camera from drawer. I saw many buttons, pressed randomly, it somehow  turned ON, then I clicked on many tiny buttons. It was nice to do continuous clicks. Many things happened on the screen. It somehow reached in black and white mode and then I saw a big button, and clicked on it. It flashed and I could see the first ever photograph clicked by myself- little Liya. Did you like it?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Don'ts everywhere...

Like I mentioned in my previous post, Liya was taken for a routine blood test yesterday. The medical lab was big and popular one. It was again process driven and spent almost 15-20 minutes, filling different forms and answering same questions many times. There were three rounds of spell check for her and guardian's name, first we filled in the form, secondly R announced (as she inputted into computer) it so that we can correct if there is any mistake and thirdly (after printing) she wanted us to spell it and she verified [sigh ☮].
J whispered me 'Technology doesn't make life easy always, at times it makes life tougher too'.