A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tagged - boasting speech!

I'm tagged by Madhumathi. Thank you so much Madhmathi for the love and care toward me.
Following the tradition of this tagging I am 'bound' to share few things about me. I am sure you know every bit of my life through each post on this blog. Please bear with me for talking about me again and again.

Here you go!
Food: Unlike many kids, I am not a fuzzy eater. I eat almost everything that I am given (which doesn't bite me back). Yet, my all time favorite items are Chicken, Biriyani and Beef...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Book of the week :: Let's Say Hi to Friends Who Fly!

Let me share our reading experiences with Let's Say Hi to Friends Who Fly by Mo Willems.

Momma's thoughts...? It is a neat, illustration based and less text heavy book. It depicts a 'conversational' and 'action' based approach. 'Cat the Cat' goes to different friends asking how do they fly. Every friend is showing how it flies- it is sketched with dotted lines and the 'sound' of the friend is 'text-ed' on the line. And at the end of the story, there a big surprise... :)

This is an interesting read for early readers, I would recommend it for kids above 2.5- 3 years.

Reading time...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Learning From a toddler :: 4


If a tinge of appreciation,
Could ever make someone glad
And pours in motivation,
Make it a habit
To welcome good changes
Everywhere in your vicinity!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A wound on the elbow and pain in the heart!

Darling Liya,

See the pic, do you know what is it all about..? I am sure you would be knowing it now, but may not be after few months (Insha Allah)! This is the first injury you ever had on your body (forget about  the needle pricks you had at NICU- you were too young to express your emotions).
Showing off her wound..:)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Book of the Week : : Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you See?

Hello All,
It's Wednesday- time to share our 'story reading' through the week. So, what were we reading this week? Well, it was 'Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you See?' - a picture book by Bill Martin Jr.

Mommy's take on the book?  It is a picture book designed to help kids (mainly toddlers) associate colors and names to particular objects. The book 'rhymes' as if asking to various animals 'what do they see..' with a response which links to another animal (mostly) and ending up with teacher and children. The characters in the rhyme are Brown Bear, Red Bird, Yellow Duck, Blue Horse, Green Frog, Purple Cat, White Dog, Black Sheep, a Goldfish, a teacher and students.