A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fiery Friday :: Impish deed of the week

Every Friday, I will (try to) share, one (or more) naughtiest activity Liya did/learned 'particularly' through the week. I am sure it would be fun to watch how does 'impishness' build up, as kids grow. So stay tuned!

Naughtiest activity of this week?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

♫ 20 months ♫

Liya is celebrating her 20th month on the face of the earth. Well, let's see what is she up to these days.

She is able to form complete sentences. We do speak Malayalam at home. But as you know she's been exposed to the world of books, and she has non-Malayalam speaking friends around that she is picking up English faster. [I do teach her too].

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Book of the Week : : Hello Hello

Like I mentioned in my previous post, Liya and I have been reading 'Hello Hello' by Miriam Schlein, through the week.

Why this book? During our trip to the local library, even though I came across several interesting books, I chose this book for a specific reason. I thought, it would be an excellent idea to 'introduce' few animals to Liya. She has been seeing few birds, dogs, and deers, but didn't know about other animals around.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend & Reading Updates

What did we do in this weekend? Finally, we took a membership in Buffalo Public Library. We spent almost 2 hours there. Liya was super excited to see tons of books together.

What did Liya do there? She played in the mini kitchen play area. She spent a long time on the jigsaw board puzzles. She did not know what to do with puzzles, hence I showed her. Most of them were linked with animals and best suiting for early beginners like her. I stated each animal's name and showed her how to group up the puzzle. She was shouting in ecstasy. She pronounced the names so louder that people stopped by and gave a weird/smiley look. She waved and greeted every one with Hello, said untimely Thank you's to people walked by, she watched children playing, talked them in her own mixed dialect consisted of broken English and 'childish' Malayalam. She read so many books randomly. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weekend Updates:: Trip to Canada Falls

Note: A week delayed post
Last weekend we visited Canada side of Niagara falls. We had done our visa processing etc few weeks ago, and the processing was unusually quick and easy process. We started from Buffalo at 2.30 in the after noon. Canada falls is almost 15 miles far (nearly 30 minutes drive) from our home. It was a warm and pleasant day. Liya just loved her trip as always. She was super excited, watching the scenery and commenting on everything passed by.

The view of Niagara falls from Canada is mind-blowing. I have no words to describe the beauty. Liya did not want to sit on her stroller and wanted to be carried in our hands so that she could get a complete view.