A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Introducing Baby Zee

Dear All,

It's been almost a year, just can't imagine how fast time flew by. A lot have changed in life. I have grown into a 6 year old little lady, moved to Grade 1 and so far doing great with academics. Mama was having an extremely busy year at work.

By the way, I am here to share a wonderful with you. Alhamdulillah, I have become a big sister to a little boy, let's call him baby Zee. Our little rainbow boy was born on Friday, 9th Oct (Sorry.. too late to share the news) 12. 23 PM. Did you know, I was born on 11th Oct 2009, 12.37 AM? Such a precious gift I got on my 6th Birthday.

Here is our little boy.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Project 365 :: Week 51

Day 348: Mama and Papa attending Palliative care training. Girl is busy drawing cards for attendees.
Day 349: New diary from Mama's new office
Day 350: Invite from girl's school for junior showcase. We are eagerly looking forward to.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Project 365 :: Week 50

Day 341: Random click in the afternoon
Day 342: Girl's drawing
Day 343: Girl's new Hindi book. She is going to learn Hindi now.
Day 344: Girl made a doll from sponge.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Project 365 :: Week 49

Day 334: An early Bday card for Mom. In fact she could not resist showing this to mama.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Project 365: Week 48

Day 326: New guest at home