A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Silent Sunday: My Sunday Photo : 03/30/2014

We dedicated an hour for the earth. Look at our candle burning in darkness. :)


Friday, March 28, 2014

10+6 things I learned from my preschooler

1. Ask for what you need - more importantly  PERSUADE!

You can not persuade someone to do something you want unless you keep asking. Persuasion is not your cup of tea if you tend to give up. Ask in different ways, different times, use various tricks, end of the day you've to get the thing done. Persuasion is the ONLY key!

2. Walk the Talk, you've been radared

Have you ever heard "But Mum, you said not to do this the other day and you're doing it?". I am not ashamed to admit that I have been there and I was alarmed. Everything I tell her has been transferred to her play dolls while on a role play, and of course registered in her mind too.
They take after you bit by bit. They take you as their role models and try to imitate whatever you say or do. They are more curious on conflicts in our words and dos; finding faults out is easier thing to do. So, walk the talk or don't talk at all! 

That was unexpected...

Life is full of surprises
Every so often I surrender
Deep down I whisper
Oh, that was so unexpected!

Joys and woes
Ups and downs
Dreams and despairs
Laurels and losses 
Pats and whacks
Cunning conundrums
Sneaky solutions
Life is rife with unexpected
So often I whisper
Oh, that was unexpected! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Books we Read :: Vegetable And Fruity Stories | A Trick For A Trick

Most of the books we reviewed in Princess Liya are either by international authors or popular by its title. However, last time when we visited a book fair at Liya's school, I stumbled upon some Vegetable and Fruity stories. I never came across these books before.

Often, I look for moral stories to read with Liya because I find her taking the lessons seriously and putting them into practice. Moral stories do inspire them a lot more than we imagine. Looks like the book hasn't gone very popular in India, I don't know why. We liked it and already read it umpteen times. :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Make Pompoms at home (no clover needed)

I said before,
I don't like spending money on crafts!
So, we use things homemade
as much as possible.
Does your child love pompoms?
Mine, of course!
We tried making some at home.
It isn't bad to try. 
Here you go.
The good old way!

Picture 1: All You need 
A cardboard box, a scissor and yarn