A'udhu billahi mina sh-shaytaanir-rajeem! Bismillah...

Saturday, April 5, 2014

How becoming a mom made me an online shopper?

I still do not know why I was so against online shopping. Was it my nature of being too selective about clothes and stuffs or was it just some other reason? Not sure; but while all my friends and colleagues were all gaga about online shopping, I was the only one to avoid it. Strange but true that today I am a complete online shopaholic. This transformation is due to my 7 months old baby – how?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What's happening...

Girl's last day at KG1. 
Schools are closed for Summer holidays 
We have small and big plans for 2 months, In Sha Allah
Driving down to Kerala tomorrow early in the morning 
Going via Ooty, staying there over night, 
Wandering two days there
Exploring the gardens
Taking a toy train trip over Nilgiri mountains
Boating in the famous lakes... 
Visiting a tea factory
... and much more, IA!

Girl is all excited about the mountain train ride!

10 things : What made me SMILE

10 little things that made me SMILE this week!

  1. Lunching out with my dad, sis, cousins and kids; gorging on some Arabian Cuisine
  2. Someone's remark on me that "you have good articulation skills", which no one ever said before..;)
  3. Those drawings Liya did for mum
  4. Little girl devouring dulce de leche pudding
  5. Friends over lunch and some chit chats
  6. Today is girl's last day at KG1, and I got reminded of my first encounter with her in gynec OT. 
  7. Girl's worries on who will cook food for dad when we both are off to grand parents 
  8. Girl's remark after observing earth hour "I don't want anymore of these...
  9. Girl's advice to mum "if you don't know something, why don't you ask me?" (Day 87 here)
  10. For the first time since I can remember girl cried "Mamma.." in her sleep instead of "Pappa". (Both J and I don't remember when was the last time she did it, lol!)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pistachio shell crafts and plastic egg carton flowers

We've been working on a pistachio shell craft for quite long now. We made a flower pot, a heart and a cute card with pistachio shells. Pistachio shells make such a versatile crafty material. We can do so many things with these shells. Hopefully, we will come back with more ideas later, IA. Have a look at what we did recently.

All we used: Pistachio shells, fevicol glue, acrylic paints, a spare bottle, a cardboard box and one plastic egg carton. 

1. Pistachio Shell Heart - wall hanging 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Watching our rose blossom

Liya had learned about the life cycle of a plant in the school. She was all excited about it. Over the past couple of weeks we had loads of fun watching our new rosebud bloom into a beautiful flower. See the pics below.